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UnicEdit ( = UnicodeEditor) is a simple text editor:
- single document based,
- no text formating possibilities,
- not very fast on large text files
As the first line said: a simple text editor, not a word processor!
Its main features are:
- the editor uses internally Unicode charcaters: each character can be choosen
out of a set of 65535 characters,
- the font used for displaying the text can be changed. If different fonts
support different parts of the Unicode character set, different parts of the
text can be made visible. Characters not available in the selected font are
displayed as a so called default character,
- the full Unicode name of each character (if available) is displayed on the
bottom line,
- various text formats can be choosen for import, like:
- 2 byte Unicode (UCS-2)
- 4 byte Unicode (UCS-4)
- 2 or 4 Unicode (UTF-16)
- both byte orders for the formats given above
- 1 - 6 byte Unicode (UTF-8)
- ANSI or multibyte with various code pages
If the format is unknown an automatic detection tries to make the right selection,
- various text formats can be choosen for export (see above),
- Windows NT look and feel (similar to Microsofts Wordpad).
New in version 2.1:
- drag & drop
- command line options are evaluated
New in version 2.3:
- status- and toolbar can be hidden
- more command line options (f.e. silent conversion)
- last choosen font is saved on exit
- integration into the Windows-Explorer context menu
New in version 2.4:
- Bugfix: more fonts appear in the font selector
New in version 2.5:
- Conversion of the line separators 2028 and 2029 into CR+LF on demand
New in version 2.6:
- Bugfix: carriage return / line feed detection fails on some circumstances
New in version 2.7:
New in version 2.8:
- Bugfix: context menu integration failed
- Configurable wordwrap
- Configurable Tab size
- displaying or creation of text files for foreign code pages,
- editing of Unicode text files,
- text conversion.
Requirements: Windows NT 4.0, 2000 or XP. Does not run under Windows 95, 98 or Me!